
St John's News - 28 November 2023

Dear friends,

The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.
John 1:5

If you missed Sunday's Service, remember you can always access our services online on our YouTube channel

This coming Sunday, 3 December, marks the start of Advent. There will be a short service of the Lord's Supper at 9:00am and then our all age service at 10:30am is a Christingle and will include the baptisms of Sienna Goddard and Ephelia Hurren.

Concert cancelled: Please note the concert by Song Circle (formerly the Ixworth and Elmswell Ladies Choir), due to take place on Sunday evening, is unfortunately postponed (probably until February).

Our atmospheric Carols by Candlelight service will be at 6:30pm on 17 December. Tom Hart will be speaking and mulled wine and mince pies will be served afterwards. Carols by Candlelight is a brilliant opportunity to invite friends and neighbours to hear the good news of Jesus. Please think and pray about who you could invite.

At the front of church, to the right of the staged area, there are 2 Christmas cards and a collection basket for Tearfund. Rather than sending each other cards this Christmas, please think about signing a greeting to all your friends at St John's in one of the 2 cards on the table and donating the money saved to Tearfund.

The weekly church prayer meeting is on Zoom on Saturday at 9:00am for 40 minutes. You are welcome to join us by clicking here or, load Zoom and use Meeting ID: 685 295 1296 and Password: 816262.

In Christ

Tue 28 Nov 2023
