
St John's News - 9 May

Dear friends,

On his robe and on his thigh Jesus has this name written:
King of kings and Lord of lords.
Revelation 19:16

One of the stories shared over the weekend was about the Coronation service of Queen Victoria. At one point the Hallelujah Chorus was sung and everyone except the Queen was supposed to stand. She was to remain seated on the throne with the crown on her head. However, when the great anthem lifted up into vaults of the Abbey, singing praises to Jesus Christ, "King of Kings and Lord of Lords, Hallelujah," Queen Victoria was visibly moved. She stood to her feet and took the crown off her head, bowed her head with the crown held below, in recognition and acknowledgment of the Kingship and the lordship of Jesus Christ.

I found Saturday's Coronation service very moving and was struck at how the liturgy also called upon King Charles to likewise submit to the King of Kings and to follow his example of service. This is, of course, a call we are all to follow.

This coming Sunday's service at 10:30am includes Holy Communion and we will be starting a new series looking at 2 Peter. If you missed last Sunday's family service, remember you can always watch it on our YouTube channel.

On Sunday 21 May at 10:30m, we welcome a team from OMF, including a family who are missionaries in SE Asia. There will a Bring & Share lunch afterwards. If you can come for the lunch, please let us know what you will be bringing on the sign-up sheet at the back of church.

Sunday 28 May is Pentecost. We will be joining other Christians Together In Elmswell at the Baptist Church at 4:30pm for a light tea, followed by worship together at 5:00pm. Gavin Payne will be speaking.

Another date for the diaries is the "Nutz and Boltz" and friends evening on Saturday 10 June at 7:30pm. This promises to be a very enjoyable and entertaining concert. No tickets required, just turn up with your own drinks and nibbles and a donation.

The Friends of St John's service will be on Sunday 18 June at 10:30am, followed by lunch in the church. The Friends of St John's is now coming to a close, having raised over £50,000 for the Fabric of the church since 1995. We are very grateful for all they have done for the church.

And finally, the weekly church prayer meeting is on Zoom on Saturday at 9:00am for 40 minutes. To join, click here or, load Zoom and use Meeting ID: 685 295 1296 and Password: 816262.

In Christ

Tue 09 May 2023
