
St John's News - 14 March

Dear friends,

One mistake that we can make in thinking about humility
is seeing it as self-hatred,
as though to be humble means you're constantly attacking yourself
or you're denying your own worth.
The commandment is love your neighbour as yourself,
not love your neighbour instead of yourself.
Gavin Ortlund

Remember, if you are unable to make it to church, you can always watch our Sunday's services on our Facebook page, or later on our YouTube channel: YouTube channel. Looking ahead to this coming Sunday, Tom Hart will be preaching on John 19:17-27 and our Sunday School will be looking at the Last Supper.

Mike Schofield is walking up Snowdon on 17th March to raise funds for the Elmswell Food Bank. If you are able to support him in this, his Just Giving page can be found on the following link

The Friends of St John's will be holding their annual meeting with tea and coffee at St John's on 25 March at 10:00am. The new Church Guide will be launched at this meeting and will be available to buy for £5.00, alongside other Friends merchandise.

Time spent chatting and encouraging each other over tea and coffee after a service is greatly valued. We are very grateful for those who prepare the tea, coffee and goodies in the kitchen on Sundays. We could do with some more volunteers (many hands make light work). If you are willing to go on the rota, please contact Rosie Ellis - 01359 242629.

The weekly church prayer meeting is on Zoom on Saturday at 9:00am for 40 minutes. To join, click here or, load Zoom and use Meeting ID: 685 295 1296 and Password: 816262.

In Christ

Tue 14 Mar 2023
