
News from St John's (including Harvest) - 27 September

Dear friends,

In Jesus are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.
Colossians 2:3

Sunday Services
Our current series in Paul’s letter to the Colossians is proving to be both insightful and encouraging. If you missed Sunday’s service, you can catch it here.

This coming Sunday is our All Age Harvest Celebration at 10:30am. Gifts of non-perishable items are welcome (we will receive them during the service) and will be passed on to the Stowmarket and Area Foodbank. If you would like to join the Bring and Share lunch afterwards, please let Rosie Ellis know if you are able to bring anything to share. Rosie’s email is

The primary school will be coming to St John’s for their Harvest Thanksgiving on Monday 3 October at 9:30am.

Book Launch - 6 October 7:00pm
Elmswell has a new author and you are invited to come and celebrate the big reveal of the author and the launch of this Christian novel on Thursday 6th October at 7.00pm at the Wesley Chapel. The book is contemporary fiction and is a great read. Please let Jane Langston know you are attending on or 01359 242142.

Basic Safeguarding Training - Saturday 8 October 9:45am
Alex Cubitt has kindly offered to assist people with the online Basic Safeguarding Course. Bring your ipad, laptop etc to The Grange (next to the Co-op) on 8 October at 9.45am. She will help you get up and running with the website and training platform. Coffee and tea will be available. Please let Alex ( know if you are able to come.

Variety & Spice - Saturday 29 October 7:30pm
On the 29th October at 7:30pm St John's Elmswell will be hosting their third Variety & Spice Evening. We would really love you to join us. No need to book. Entry is free, but there will be an opportunity to give a donation to the work of the Church.

The evening will consist of music; comedy and poetry all performed by local folk. If you feel able to bring some nibbles and a bottle of wine/soft drink to place on a sharing table that would be welcome.

It would be so good to have the Church full and create a happy atmosphere. If you are able to support us, no ticket required, just turn up take a seat and we will do the rest.

Confirmation Service at St John's
On Sunday 6 November at 3:00pm we will be welcoming Bishop Mike to lead a Confirmation Service. It would be lovely to have as many people as possible support this service.

Prayer Meeting
The weekly church prayer meeting is on Zoom on Saturday at 9:00am for 40 minutes. To join, click or, load Zoom and use Meeting ID: 685 295 1296 and Password: 816262.

In Christ,

Tue 27 Sep 2022
