
St John's News - 17 August

Dear friends,

For I am the Lord your God who takes hold of your right hand
and says to you, Do not fear; I will help you.
Isaiah 41:13

Quiz Night
John Evans is pleased to announce the first "live" St John's Quiz for two years. The date is Saturday September 3rd, 6.30 for 7.00 pm start. The entry price is £10 per person and includes a ploughman's supper. Please bring your own drinks.

Maximum of six persons in a team. All profits will go to the church funds. If you are unable to muster a six, but want to come as a couple or individual please let John know and he will ensure you are placed in a team. It is a fun quiz, nothing brain-taxing, and it's an opportunity for people to meet socially and enjoy themselves.

Please let John know if you wish to enter a team by August 26th. His email is

Confirmations at St John's
On Sunday 6 November at 3:00pm, we will be welcoming Bishop Mike to lead a Confirmation Service at St John's. We already have a few candidates, but if you would like to know more about getting confirmed, then please have a word with me.

Threads Through Creation exhibition at the cathedral
Many thanks to Tricia McNeeney for spotting this: Threads Through Creation is a beautiful, highly enjoyable exhibition and is especially interesting for anyone who stitches. It consists of twelve HUGE spectacular silk panels retelling the creation story from the bible. It's the work of textile artist Jacqui Parkinson who has a national reputation for large scale exhibitions. The exhibition is touring twenty cathedrals. The panels took three years to complete, and contain eight million stitches! The exhibition is free to attend and runs until 4 September at St Edmundsbury Cathedral. See more at

Sunday Services
If you missed last Sunday's service, you can catch it here

The service this coming Sunday will be led by Richard and Brenda Webb. The reading is 1 Kings 10:1-25.

*** IMPORTANT - Safeguarding ***
Basic safeguarding awareness training (previously C0) is mandatory for everyone who has a designated role in the church (e.g. sidespeople, flower arrangers, musicians). However ALL parishioners are encouraged to complete this safeguarding course.

If you are aware you have not done it in the last 3 years, please try to complete the Basic Awareness Course online at It takes about 90 minutes to complete and you receive a certificate at the end. Once completed, please let both Alex Cubbitt (, our safeguarding officer and myself know.

You may need to register or reset your password if you have forgotten it.

We will let you know of any alternative in-person courses when we can.

Prayer Meeting
The weekly church prayer meeting is on Zoom on Saturday at 9:00am for 40 minutes. To join, click or, load Zoom and use Meeting ID: 685 295 1296 and Password: 816262.

In Christ,

Wed 17 Aug 2022
