
News from the Pews - 7 September

Dear friends,

Now you are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it.
1 Corinthians 12:27

At our lovely all age service on Sunday (in case you missed it, you can catch up here), we thought about how we are all part of the body of Christ. We are precious to Him and each other. We need each other and all have a part to play. As we seek to rebuild following the pandemic, please prayerfully take a look at the attachment (you may have picked up one already on Sunday). If you feel there is any way you can use any gift God had given you to serve the body in any way, please do let us know.

Looking ahead to this Sunday, we meet as the body of Christ in Elmswell at 10:30am for a service of the Lord's Supper. Sunday School also restarts this week at 9:30am on Zoom - please contact Lisa or myself for more information.

Coming up:
Monday 13 Sep 7:30pm - PCC Meeting on Zoom.
Saturday 18 Sep 11:30am - Ernest's Induction at Coalbrookdale.
Friday 1 Oct 8:00pm - Nutz 'n' Boltz concert in church. Cost £7. Just turn up on the night with the cash.
Sunday 3 Oct 10:30am - Harvest Celebration (all age).
Saturday 30 Oct 7:00pm - St John's Quiz Night (on Zoom). £5 per person.

In Christ,

Tue 07 Sep 2021
